Wednesday 22 February 2017

Red Headed Vulture

Hey friendz! U might b aware of d red headed vulture. Even.....they r listed in d endangered species.

The red-headed vulture (Sarcogyps calvus) is also known as d Asian king vulture, Indian black vulture or Pondicherry vulture. It is mainly found in d Indian Subcontinent, with small populations in some parts of Southeast Asia.
This is a species of Old World Vulture found in d Indian subcontinent. It has no subspecies.

The red-headed vulture is declining, but only slowly; in 2004 the species was uplisted to Near Threatened from Least Concern by the IUCN


It is usually in open country and in cultivated and semi-desert areas. It is also found in deciduous forests and foothills and river valleys. It is usually found up to an altitude of 3000m from sea level......

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